Get it together I
Filed under #churchnotes on September 11, 2023The Bible teaches us how to have good relationships.
- vertical relationships (God)
- Horizontal relationships (people)
Eight significant relationship changes in a lifetime.
- be devoted to one another:
- Romans 12:10 (friendship)
- Store up friendshipness with everyone around us
- What you store up with others is eternal
- Love one another
- 1 John 4:11
- As Christ loved us by dying on the cross for us to have a relationship with God
- Since God sees something in you to love, I will do the same.
- Encourage one another
- 1 Thessalonians 5:11
- Everybody benefits when encouragement flows! There is enough discouragement in this world already, we don’t need to add to it.
- God made us so that we would fulfill our life purpose within community
Good relationships are more than icing on the cake, they are the cake.
Matthew 22:37-40
Gods plan from the beginning was all about relationships.
Relationships help keep us alive, save us, make us better.
- We need others to help us grow spiritually
- Ephesians 5:18-19
- We were created to enjoy God and friends help us do that
- We need others to encourage us
- Hebrew 3:13
- We need people who will spur us forward and help us be obedient to the Lord
- We need others to keep an eye on us
- Galatians 6:1
- Sin deceives us
- Friends who encourage us no matter what is incorrect. Friends need to speak Gods truth to us.
- James 5:16
- My faith encourages you and your faith encourages me
Healing is found in relationships