God, where are you?
Filed under #churchnotes on August 27, 2023“When I can’t find the words, when I can barely breathe, falling on my knees, Heaven help me.”
Prayer: “God, help me.”
Sometimes I can’t see hear or feel you.
Psalm 22:1-2 - David
We are here today because we want more of God. We are here because we want more of his presence.
- What does God tell us about His presence?
- Psalm 139:7-10
- God is omnipresent. His presence is everywhere. No matter where you go as a Christ follower, God’s presence is there.
- Isaiah 41:10
- We have no reason to fear because God is ALWAYS with us.
- Psalm 139:7-10
- What causes us to feel so far from Him?
- Sin (missing the mark). God is perfect, we can’t be perfect, the difference between the two is our distance from God.
- God does not use earthly punishment for our sins (go to your room, etc). That was paid by Jesus. What happens is the devil comes in and if we let him it screws with us.
- Arrow let his worst fear take over in that situation when Zack moved his truck (you were going to leave me). Worst fear makes us lose track of reality. It’s not Him, it’s us.
- How do we feel his presence again?
- James 4:8
- Draw near to God, and He will draw near.
- Time. Time with Jesus, time in worship, time with groups, time in His word. Increase the time.
- Psalms 22:25-26
- REPENT for our sinful habits that give us shame and guilt.
- We are called to be Holy
- It’s all an act of worship
- James 4:8
- Do you feel far from God?