How to have a good marriage

Filed under #churchnotes on September 24, 2023  

How to have a good marriage

What is it that you want? HAVE A GOD CENTERED MARRIAGE!

Genesis 2:18, 21-25 — original plan for marriage.

Rib bone = side by side relationship.

Marriage is to be an “all in” partnership.

Why marriage matters:

  1. For the connection of men and women around God.
    1. Mark 10:6-9
  2. For the perfection of our character
    1. God wants to keep working on us
    2. 1 Peter 3:1,7
    3. Submission means support the mission.
    4. Treat wife with respect and LOVE
  3. To reflect our union with Christ
    1. Ephesians 5:25,28,31-32
    2. Men, SACRIFICE FOR HER. Doesn’t have to be in the middle. If we go all the way and she goes all the way then “the middle” is both of us rather than me doing half and her doing half.

Pointers to have a good marriage:

Make time Kiss often I love you daily Love languages Date nights Sacrifice Space sometimes Laugh together Defend each other Don’t tell! Listen Don’t compare Regular intimacy