I need a hero | Fathers Day 2023
Filed under #churchnotes on June 19, 2023When we honor someone, we help them reach their potential.
I. Five ways to show honor:
- Tell them you love them.
- Show appreciation.
- Listen with ears to hear, and don’t talk back.
- Show love to your siblings.
- Speak well or your father.
II. Respect: Romans 12:10
- Respect his decisions.
- Respect is abilities.
- Respect in communication: is what I’m going to say speak life, strength, bring life?
- Respect in public and around children. Proverbs 12:4
- Respect their assumptions. Don’t jump to negative assumptions. Think the best, not the worst. Can’t be lead by our feelings.
III. Affirm: Hebrew 3:13/Proverbs 14:1