Rhythms of prayer

Filed under #churchnotes on July 02, 2023  

Spiritual disciplines as Christ followers.

What prayer is, what it isn’t, and how it should be perceived so it changes the trajectory of our lives.

Ecclesiastes 3:11

We are hard wired to talk to God.

  1. God is NOT our genie and he is not our servant. I AM GOD’S SERVANT.
  2. Prayer is NOT a fire extinguisher. Prayer should not be a last resort, it should be our first choice. Give the day to God.
    1. God answers with a No, Yes or Not Yet.
    2. He knows what’s best for us and He is our perfect father.
    3. Prayer is above all an expression of a relationship with God. Prayer takes us out of the realm of what we want and into the realm of what God wants.
  3. Matthew 6:9-13, Lord’s Prayer
    1. OUR FATHER / Abba (daddy)
    2. Truths about prayer
      1. God wants to hear from you. Matthew 11:28
      2. Prayer opens our spiritual eyes. Lord I need to see things the way that you see them. Pray before all.
      3. Prayer aligns our heart with God’s heart. “Your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” God what do you want to do through me?

Do it through me, let me be the light for others. Let me help my neighbor. What do you want me to do?