Take control of your influence
Filed under #churchnotes on September 17, 2023- 1 Corinthians 15:33 - Do not be deceived, bad company ruins good morals. - READ ALL OF CHAPTER 15
- Relationships with people can strengthen or weaken you.
- Gangs; young people who join gangs find identity, security, companionship and sense of belonging they never knew at home. 1m kids risk their life for the above.
- We are all searching for this, but Jesus is this.
- Somewhere along the way, the church has lost its ability to have influence. The church is the people, not the building.
- This means WE have lost our influence.
- It’s us that is the problem, not anyone else.
- Influence: character, development, behavior
- When we said yes to Jesus, we said yes to influence.
How do we take control of our influence?
- What we do matters more than what we say 1. People (and kids) hear what we say but do what we do
- Take responsibility for our influence 1. Matthew 18:6 2. As soon as people know we are Christian’s, PEOPLE ARE WATCHING US.
- How do I influence those around me? 1. What you focus on expands and what you ignore shrinks 2. All we have to do is shift our focus 3. We do not represent ourselves, we represent Jesus 4. Pray more, worship more, spend more time with the world.
Practical steps to increase influence with family:
- Dads take control of influence with fam.
- Eat dinner together.
- Family activities. Dads are responsible for the fun. Do things together.
- Take spirituality in your family seriously.
‘’ Friends:
- Pay for them “how can I pray for you”
- Find opportunities to talk about Jesus
- Always encourage them to do the right thing