The rhythms of God’s economy

Filed under #churchnotes on July 24, 2023  

The discipline of giving:

Practical insights:

  1. Earnings have a purpose: man says do whatever you have to do to get more. Gods way is that the quality of your life is the most important. Colossians 3:23
  2. Spending must be controlled. World: it’ll work out somehow, figure out how to get whatever you want. God cares about everything you spend money on. Hebrew 13:5 - keep yourself free from the love of money.
  3. Saving is biblical. Man’s way is to keep a financial cushion because something bad could happen. Gods way is to save in faith, not in fear. Matthew 6:25.
  4. Giving is God’s heart. Man’s way says giving is not necessary.

Average is 2%. 62% of Highridge give.

2 Corinthians 9:7

Serve with time, energy and finance.