The rhythms of God’s economy
Filed under #churchnotes on July 24, 2023The discipline of giving:
- The first 10% of what we receive belongs to God.
- Offering is what comes after the 10%.
- People today want to be taught how to be good with finances.
- Man’s financial system found in success and personal accomplishment.
- God’s is found in giving and self sacrifice.
- I Kings 2:1-3
- To prosper is to have abundance.
- God wants you to prosper: abundance in spiritual life, thought life. God wants you to prosper.
- Prosperity is a good thing when it is in the economy of God.
- Top 15% of worlds population: money, roof, food
- Everything you bless me with is yours… it’s not mine it’s yours.
Practical insights:
- Earnings have a purpose: man says do whatever you have to do to get more. Gods way is that the quality of your life is the most important. Colossians 3:23
- Spending must be controlled. World: it’ll work out somehow, figure out how to get whatever you want. God cares about everything you spend money on. Hebrew 13:5 - keep yourself free from the love of money.
- Saving is biblical. Man’s way is to keep a financial cushion because something bad could happen. Gods way is to save in faith, not in fear. Matthew 6:25.
- Giving is God’s heart. Man’s way says giving is not necessary.
Average is 2%. 62% of Highridge give.
2 Corinthians 9:7
Serve with time, energy and finance.