Unparalyzed purpose

Filed under #churchnotes on September 03, 2023  

Matthew 18:23-35

Matthew 18:21-22

We are called to forgive.

Four things that forgiveness is not.

  1. Forgiveness is not minimizing the issue.
    1. It’s okay to acknowledge that things are a big deal. We can give them to the Lord.
  2. Forgiveness is not reconciliation.
    1. We are called to forgive no matter the response. Let it go.
  3. Forgiveness is not fair.
    1. 1 John 4:19-21
  4. Forgiveness is not impossible.
    1. God has forgiven the deepest darkest things we have done, and we have a duty to forgive too.

Philippians 4:13 - WE CAN FORGIVE but just draw closer to the Lord.

How we forgive:

  1. Pray for them. Matthew 5:43-44
  2. Bless them. Speak well of them and encourage them. Luke 6:27-28
  3. Do good to them. Look for opportunity to bless their life. Always leave it to the wrath of God. Romans 12:16-21