ExpressionEngine 2 TextMate bundle

Filed under #gandrwebdesign on November 13, 2010  

I went ahead and took the liberty of updating Chris Ruzin's wonderful ExpressionEngine TextMate bundle to ExpressionEngine 2. Really all that needed to be done was update the documentation links in the 'Documentation for Tag' file, change every weblog reference to channel, delete a few oldies and add a few newies. So, here it is:

Download ExpressionEngine 2 Textmate Bundle
Download, unzip, double-click the ExpressionEngine2.tmbundle file.

If you find any errors or anything just let me know and I'll try and get them updated as soon as I can. Again, I wouldn't have known how to do this without Chris-who-has-no-contact-info-on-the-internet's bundle for ExpressionEngine 1.x so 99.9% of the credit goes to him.

Update: If you're looking for a more feature-rich ExpressionEngine 2 TextMate bundle, checkout this one.